'Old' Plakias

I have been visiting Plakias for so long now, I seem to have grown with it. But sometimes it is good to look back. I was delighted to receive the first two pictures on this page from Lance Chilton, who has been a regular for far longer than me. It got me thinking about the changes which have taken place over the years.
I would be delighted to receive any more photos - and memories - of Plakias' past. Click here to mail me, and please, let me know if I can share them over the web.
Lance's pictures were taken in April 1982, and it's only when I had a look at them that I realised how much it really has grown. I suppose the fact that it has retained it's village atmosphere has made me overlook this.
I have reduced the pictures so they fit easily on this page. If you would like to have a closer look, then click on the picture concerned. Because of the detail on the pictures, I have left them as larger files, so they may take a while to download - but they're worth the wait.

Plakias 1982 - Lance Chilton
Lance said in his mail to me 'The connecting mid section between the inland end of the New Alianthos and the old Pension was just a frame, and the New Alianthos opened around this time. There was a cluster of buildings behind the Lamon Hotel, including the Pension Asteria (with wallpaper! and numerous cockroaches) and next-door Delfini Taverna (long gone and now antiques shop). Livikon there, then nothing before Zorbas at the Sellia end. Aah. Memories!'
Plakias 1982 - Lance Chilton
I found these pictures so fascinating, I'm looking for more! Please get in touch if you have any - and I can arrange scanning, so don't worry if you only have prints. I'll mail you my 'snail mail' address.