Meltemi - where it all happens - every night!

Walk along the seafront, going east, and just past the Alianthos Hotel, you will find Meltemi.
During the day, it is a great place to drop in for a drink or an ice cream - but it is by night that it comes alive! You'll need to wait until after midnight - but pop in then for a dance and a drink, and you'll have the time of your life!
Here, you can dance in the air conditioned interior, or relax outside, looking for the stars. And as the sun rises over the easterly cliffs, you can make your way back for a sleep – collecting something for breakfast from the bakery on the way.

Meltemi was the first club in Plakias, established in 1984 - and improved every year!
When I first went to Plakias, I spent many a happy hour dancing the night away in Meltemi. Advertising techniques have changed a lot since then - but Phillipos the owner has kept up, as you'll see by the new logo above. The old logo here was scanned from a sticker Manolis gave me on my first visit. That's my kind of souvenir, as it reminds me of very happy times .

This is Manolis, who is always to be found at the end of the bar, making sure that everything is running smoothly! And judging by some of the mail I get, he must be another Plakias Icon! So, here's a pic for Astrid, from the Manoli fanclub in Holland (her words), and the rest of his adoring fans!

I took this pic about 14 years ago - yes, Manoli was master of the bar then too! I don't think he's changed - much!